Weingut Familie Allendorf
Allendorf is a member of the VDP (Verband deutscher Prädikatsweingüter – Association of German Prädikat Wine Estates), and thus implements the VDP classification system. This private-law statute defines the quality of a wine according to its “Terroir” – i.e. its origin combined with its quality. The site is the focus of our work: maintaining its character and creating typical, elegant, Rheingau wines capable of maturing is the family’s maxim.
» Pricelist for Consumers
Allendorf is a member of the VDP (Verband deutscher Prädikatsweingüter – Association of German Prädikat Wine Estates), and thus implements the VDP classification system. This private-law statute defines the quality of a wine according to its “Terroir” – i.e. its origin combined with its quality. The site is the focus of our work: maintaining its character and creating typical, elegant, Rheingau wines capable of maturing is the family’s maxim.
» Pricelist for Consumers
The VDP.GUTSWEINE are a good starter for the terroir-driven quality hierarchy of the German Prädikat wine estates. The wines are produced from grapes from the estate’s sites and comply with the strict quality philosophy that the Allendorf family shares with the VDP.
We’ve been producing “Quercus” from the best sites in Assmannshausen and Winkel since the 1990s – a powerful pinot noir that matures exclusively in small wooden barrels and in our own 400-year old vaulted cellar.
The association of Charta wine estates quasi founded the think tank of today’s VDP.GROSSES GEWÄCHS® in the 1980s. This wine, produced from grapes originating from the “Große Lagen” (highest quality vineyard sites in Germany), is a dry tasting, perfect accompaniment to food at the Allendorf wine estate. A real native of the Rheingau – juicy, expressive and full of minerality.

VDP.ORTSWEINE are produced from sites in Rüdesheim, Winkel and Assmannshausen. They derive from high quality, characterful and traditional vineyards within one local subdistrict. Besides high-quality vineyard sites, regional grape varieties and limited yields are basic requirements for this type of wine. The white ones are brought to market on March 1 of the calendar year following the harvest. The Spätburgunder follows two years later.
Wines from Winkel are characterised by the loess and loam soils from its sites situated close to the Rhine River. Their strong, full character will enchant you from the very first sip.
Wines from Rüdesheim are particularly characterised by the slate and Taunus quartzite soils on the hills. They display a very delicate taste in their youth, but develop tremendously as they mature.
Only Späterburgunder wines are cultivated here; a native Assmannshausen wine expresses typical flinty notes from the slate soil and is fine and elegant.

VDP.ERSTE LAGE designates first-class sites in Germany with an autonomous profile. They provide optimal growing conditions for consistently producing wines of the highest quality. These sites are planted with regionally determined grape varieties. Wines from VDP.ERSTE LAGE sites don’t go on sale before end of April, just in time for the VDP.WEINBÖRSE in Mainz, the VDP’s annual spring trade fair. At present, the estate doesn’t produce wines from “Erste Lage” sites

VDP.GROSSE LAGE designates the highest quality vineyard sites in Germany. These sites are narrowly demarcated into parcels. The very best wines can be found here – bursting with expressive character derived from their site and special maturing potential. The sites are planted with regionally determined and just the right grape varieties for that particular vineyard. Wines from these sites – in the Allendorf Wine Estate these are Hasensprung, Jesuitengarten, Berg Roseneck and Höllenberg – are given extra time to mature and marketed no earlier than September 1 in the year following the harvest; red wine is brought to market another year later. Dry wines from VDP.GROSSE LAGE are called VDP.GROSSES GEWÄCHS®. The fruity sweet Prädikatsweine (quality tested wines with special attributes) are labelled as Kabinett, Spätlese, Auslese as well as Beerenauslese, Trockenbeerenauslese and Eiswein.
For the first time in 16 years, a “Goethe wine from the Brentanohaus” was harvested again in 2015 from the walled vineyard at the Brentanohaus belonging to the Jesuitengarten site. The grapes were pressed and matured in traditional wooden barrels – the old-fashioned way. “Goethe wines from the Brentanohaus” number among the rare and internationally best-known Rheingau Riesling treasures – a tradition the Allendorf family will continue in future.